Give hope to those affected by poverty

Help us provide support for people and families affected by poverty and hardship. A small difference can make a huge impact on someone’s life and their family.

Caring for families and communities

Every parent should be able to send their child to school with a full belly. We are here to serve those affected by poverty, by giving them access to help so they can live a life with hope and dignity.

We support over 60 agencies annually within the greater Auckland area - stretching from the Far-North to the South Auckland who help struggling families, children and communities.

Our work in the community

Focus on poverty

Our focus is to care for those in poverty and hardship through wrap-around support, food, transitional housing and domestic violence refuges.

Working in partnership

We partner with over 60 agencies that provide grass-roots support for our families and communities in need.

Guided by the gospel

Our actions are guided by gospel values and by Christ’s message "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me". (Matthew 25:40)

Applying for a grant

Applications for grants can be made between mid-December and April.

Please take time to find out more about our application process.

Please note, our annual community grants round are now open for applications and will close on Thursday 10th of April.

Worker at the South Auckland Christian food bank.
Food icon.


Homelessness & hunger

Hands icon with hearts and stars.


Support & care for families

Children icon


Support & care for children & young people

Heart icon


Care for people in our community

Latest news

Stay up to date with every bit of hope, news and announcements.





May update

Nowhere to turn.




May update

Stranded with little food.




May update

Your donations helped Tom and Stan and theirwhānau start to recover from domestic violence.




Our 2023 Grants

Find out how we've split our Grants this year.




June update

Looking for a better future.

Stories of hope

Thanks to the support of people like you, our network is able to make meaningful changes to the lives of people and families.

Linh, a young Vietnamese woman, was on a student visa and halfway through her studies when she and her husband, Dahn came to visit the team at Pregnancy Help.
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For the last 26 years Patrick never forgot his daughter or his wife.
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One week before the second lockdown, Michael, a young dad and his three young children moved into De Paul House.
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A very special occasion has happened at the recently-opened St Gianna’s Home for Mothers and Babies in Auckland – the first resident of the home has given birth to her first baby.
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Our partners

Tindall Foundation

Kumeu River

Foundation North

The Holzer (Len) Family Trust