June update
Looking for a better future.

Catholic Social Services
Looking for a better future
Making ends meet for Mele, a mother of five living in south Auckland, was an endless struggle and grind. Recently separated from her husband, and facing relationship problems with him and her children, Mele desperately searched for an organisation to help her get through this difficult time. She found Catholic Social Services and asked them to help her manage her relationship difficulties. The toll this was having on her physical and emotional health was huge and she was finding it difficult to provide for her children on their reduced income. At times it seemed all too much.
Catholic Social Services were able to help, just as they do for over 250 other families in need every year. They provided Mele with a social worker to work with her and offered counselling support to get her through this time of hardship. They continued to provide her and her children vital support for many years.
They worked with Mele to set her goals, one of which was to retrain as a teacher and to gain a teaching degree from the University of Auckland. Through hard work and a determination to succeed, Mele achieved her goal and was able to secure a teaching position at a south Auckland primary school.
Now, she is no longer the desperate and hopeless woman that came seeking help from Catholic Social Services. She is now confident, happy, full of hope and very thankful for all the gifts she now possesses. She is no longer dependent on state support and her children are now thriving and achieving at school.
A grateful Mele has not forgotten the help that she received from Catholic Social Services when life was tough. She is still involved with them and is now a volunteer and helping others to receive a helping hand in times of hardship.
You strengthen and support families and communities through your gifting. In 2019, your gift will be turned into a grant to all these organisations.
Thank you for your care and commitment.
A message from Bishop Pat
I am grateful
As I reflect on the occasion of my Foundation’s 30th anniversary, I am humbled and grateful for the compassion and goodness that my Foundation has been blessed with by so many.
I am grateful to Bishop Denis Browne who 30 years ago saw the need for a Catholic foundation to help and provide care and support to families and communities.
I am grateful to you my dear brothers and sisters in Christ who as Catholics are called to care for one another and to use your unique gifts and talents for the good of others. You have answered this call and opened your hearts to the poor.
For it is because we join together as a committed community who act on God’s call to help the poor, that we are able to provide support to mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who need our help.
I hear many stories of gratitude from the community groups and services who receive a grant from the Foundation, through your gifting. They tell me just how much the Foundation’s support means for the communities that they work in and the families that they help. Truly, your support allows them to be the hands of help and hope.
If you can support the work of my Foundation this Caring July, I would be grateful. The mission of the Foundation remains very close to my heart. With every blessing,
Bishop Pat
I do not like to see people suffer and if I can help, I will help
Brian Henaghan remembers when the Foundation was first set up by Bishop Denis Browne 30 years ago. He shares his thoughts about the work of the Foundation and why he has left a gift in his Will.
Brian, why do you support the Foundation?
I see the need for a lot of things but I can’t do anything by myself but I feel that if I contribute to the Foundation, knowing that other people are contributing to the Foundation, then there is a sum of money that can go towards helping others. In that way, I can help those people that are falling between the cracks.
How does supporting the Foundation fit with your faith?
I think it fits in with my life philosophy which faith is tied up in. I do not like to see people suffer and if I can help, I will help. I suppose that’s my Catholic up-bringing from my parents.
Why did you decide to give a gift in your Will to the Catholic Caring Foundation?
I wanted to give something back to the Church. I’ve been brought up as a Catholic all my life and I thought if there’s any money left who would I give it to?
I wanted to give it to a cause that I could trust. I wanted to give a gift in my Will to the Foundation because I trust Bishop Denis Browne who started the Foundation and Bishop Pat Dunn who has continued the Foundation.
Both, I have the utmost faith in, great leaders, and great men that have caused me, I suppose, to want to give a gift in my Will to the Foundation. I’m doing it because it is something really dear to me.
I wanted an organisation to benefit from my money and that organisation had to be one that I had faith in, trusted and because of that I have given my bequest. It is an organisation that I believe in and want to help. I wanted to give a bequest to a cause that I could trust.
What would you say to other supporters considering leaving a gift in their Will?
I would say to those people have a look and see what the Foundation is doing; look at the structure and the people who are administrating it and work out if you have faith in those people. And as I’ve said I have faith in Bishop Pat and Bishop Denis. Bishop Denis Browne started this Foundation and it’s getting bigger and bigger. Let’s make it greater still.
If the Foundation can get more money to help more people it would be a success so I would strongly recommend to anyone to contribute either monthly, annually, just to make the Foundation grow.
How do you feel about the types of organisations and the areas of need that the Foundation covers?
Does that fit with your views of helping? Definitely because they are getting to the most dispossessed: the kids, the children, solo parents – not just solo mums but also solo dads, the elderly, the under-privileged. They get to all those people.
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