Our work

Together, with your help, we make small but meaningful and sometimes life-changing differences to people's lives.

Stories of hope

Thanks to the support of people like you, our network is able to make meaningful changes to the lives of people and families.

Linh, a young Vietnamese woman, was on a student visa and halfway through her studies when she and her husband, Dahn came to visit the team at Pregnancy Help.
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For the last 26 years Patrick never forgot his daughter or his wife.
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One week before the second lockdown, Michael, a young dad and his three young children moved into De Paul House.
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A very special occasion has happened at the recently-opened St Gianna’s Home for Mothers and Babies in Auckland – the first resident of the home has given birth to her first baby.
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Our services

Focus on poverty

Our focus is to care for those in poverty and hardship through wrap-around support, food, transitional housing and domestic violence refuges.

Working in partnership

We partner with over 60 agencies that provide grass-roots support for our families and communities in need.

Guided by the gospel

Our actions are guided by gospel values and by Christ’s message "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me". (Matthew 25:40)

Who we help

You give hope to rural and urban agencies who provide help and care to their communities experiencing crisis and hardship.


You support high-risk families and people facing homelessness with wrap-around support.

Families and youth

You provide support for families to break free from intergenerational poverty, abuse and crime. You ensure that young people get the right help at the right time.


You help prevent loneliness and isolation for the elderly and support programmes to keep them well and safe.


You support women refuge's, migrant groups and community services to help those in crisis and hardship.

Past events

To see how you can get involved in upcoming events see our calendar.




Gaudete Advent Christmas Carols

Music from Parishes, Schools and Ethnic Chaplaincies across the Diocese. Food trucks.




Caring Mass 2020

On Wednesday the 22nd of July, our community gathered together for our annual Caring Mass and Awards at Christ the King parish in Owairaka.




South Hokianga Food Project

A request for help for families experiencing hardship through COVID-19 from the parish priest of Okaihau, Fr Richard Cortes resulted in a community-led food project for families in south Hokianga
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Catholic Caring Foundation supports churches, community groups, schools and families by providing easy access to tools and information to help those suffering from poverty and hardship.

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