May update
Your donations helped Tom and Stan and theirwhānau start to recover from domestic violence.

Your donations helped Tom and Stan and their whānau start to recover from domestic violence
Thanks to your help Tom* and Stan have started the new school year confident and ready to learn!
Tom and Stan’s home- life was violent, and both their parents battled with substance abuse.
For safety, the boys were taken away, and put into the care of a family member.
Their new home was safe, but it was hard for everyone to adjust. So their new care-giver reached out to Sarah* who is the family worker for Pompallier College and Sr Francis Xavier Primary in Whangarei. Sarah met with them at short notice, listened to what they were struggling with, and helped them immediately with food and uniforms. With the basics covered and a safe place to live, the boys were set to get back into learning
But there was so much more support needed for them to get back on their feet. Sarah was able to get them legal and financial advice and arranged for help for them from many other agencies.
Having a safe family support room at school and Sarah to talk to, the boys started to get back into learning, and the whānau had a safe place to visit when they needed more help from her.
Sadly, the family violence situation escalated again after a repeat offender broke into their house. Police and Women’s Refuge immediately swung into action, and Sarah supported Mum to connect to Work and Income Family Violence coordinators to work towards finding a new place to live.
"What will happen to our pets?"
The family told Sarah that one of their main worries was finding a place for their pets when the family had to change accommodation. Thankfully Sarah was able to get their pets rehomed. Sarah checks in regularly with Stan and Tom who now attend both schools. She makes sure that they have uniforms, shoes, food parcels, clothing, and books and toys to boost their morale.
She also keeps in contact with the whānau who pop into the family support room to ask for help or reassurance. Sarah can then quickly help address issues.
By the end of the school year, Mum was able to find part- time employment. She sees this as the first step back on the path to finding a secure home for her and the boys.
*Not their real names.
From fights to caring for others
Thanks to the team at TYLA for sharing this story of hope
Recently one of our rangatahi Tama*, who had been on our programme from the ages of 13 to 16, came to visit us.
Tama had come to TYLA as his solo Mum had sought mentoring for him as he had fallen in with the wrong crowd and was heavily influenced by his peers. He was constantly getting into fights which resulted in multiple stand-downs and suspensions from school.
Mum was a solo mum who was finding it increasingly hard to provide even basic necessities. She found it such a struggle to get food on the table. But despite these obstacles, Tama was confident and well- spoken and got engaged in our programmes.
He got involved in our activities, events, and camps as well as the crucial mentoring that we offered and is now studying nursing.
He proudly came to catch up with the TYLA staff and wants to become a leader or mentor so that he can give back to tamariki and rangatahi who are in the same position he was. *
Not his real name
Bishop Steve’s thanks!
In a year that has started with such devastation, I want to thank you for generously helping our brothers and sisters impacted by the recent floods and cyclones. The outpouring of generosity throughout the country and overseas, has been humbling.
Your gifts have already helped so many begin their recovery from these severe weather events.
Over the months ahead, when the needs will continue to grow, my Foundation remains committed to supporting social services and community groups reach those in need. Your donations will have even more impact as the complex work of getting families back on track continues. ✠ Bishop Steve Lowe
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